Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Would You Like Some Dessert Tonight?
Lent. Oh how I love Lent. Who wouldn't love Lent? Giving up usually one of your favorite foods, drinks, or something you usually do on a daily occurrence for 40 days is like the best thing ever! Yeah right! It is the hardest thing ever (well for those who actually commit to it and give up something they either eat or use on a daily basis). This year has been the hardest Lent season ever. Yep, I did it - I gave up baked goods (the dessert kind that is). Oh my goodness it is soooooo difficult. My thought process and hostility towards people who can actually eat baked goods is at an all-time high.
(At a restaurant)
Waitress: You all finished with your meal? Would you like to take a look at the dessert menu?
Me: (blank staring at her thinking to myself) Would you like a punch square in the nose for even mentioning dessert?
Actually Me: No, that's okay (still pissed) we will just take the check.
Just to clarify, I am not some person who eats baked goods all the time. Yes, my mom bakes a lot (okay, all the time) but I do not have to eat it all the time. I have self-control. It is just nice to have a little taste of something sweet after your meal. Even if it is just one or two bites. Here are the reasons and most difficult things about me giving up baked goods.
1. My sister is a cake baker. Yep, rough.
2. Kevin's (my boyfriend) mom gets the BEST banana cake from her friend on random occasions. Yep, even more rough.
3. My mom always has baked goods in the kitchen. Yep, that is pretty rough.
4. My birthday falls during Lent, March 31. Yep, this just SUCKS! (Didn't think about that until I already committed). Ugh
There are positives about giving up baked goods ... I guess. I lost 8 pounds since the beginning of Lent! Yippie! Screw you baked goods - you have made me fat! Another thing that this specific Lent season (ha) has taught me is a little more self-control. Sure, I do not need a dessert after every meal .. it would be nice but it doesn't need to happen. Just so you know, it didn't always happen before. (I am exaggerating a little bit). So, for those who actually commit to Lent - good job! I never really had before but now I know it is super hard! The end of the 40 days are coming soon .. hang in there!
p.s. that cake right there, that was made by my sister.
Visit her website http://amwaite.students.noctrl.edu/Cait%27sCakeWebsite/index.html
(At a restaurant)
Waitress: You all finished with your meal? Would you like to take a look at the dessert menu?
Me: (blank staring at her thinking to myself) Would you like a punch square in the nose for even mentioning dessert?
Actually Me: No, that's okay (still pissed) we will just take the check.
Just to clarify, I am not some person who eats baked goods all the time. Yes, my mom bakes a lot (okay, all the time) but I do not have to eat it all the time. I have self-control. It is just nice to have a little taste of something sweet after your meal. Even if it is just one or two bites. Here are the reasons and most difficult things about me giving up baked goods.
1. My sister is a cake baker. Yep, rough.
2. Kevin's (my boyfriend) mom gets the BEST banana cake from her friend on random occasions. Yep, even more rough.
3. My mom always has baked goods in the kitchen. Yep, that is pretty rough.
There are positives about giving up baked goods ... I guess. I lost 8 pounds since the beginning of Lent! Yippie! Screw you baked goods - you have made me fat! Another thing that this specific Lent season (ha) has taught me is a little more self-control. Sure, I do not need a dessert after every meal .. it would be nice but it doesn't need to happen. Just so you know, it didn't always happen before. (I am exaggerating a little bit). So, for those who actually commit to Lent - good job! I never really had before but now I know it is super hard! The end of the 40 days are coming soon .. hang in there!
p.s. that cake right there, that was made by my sister.
Visit her website http://amwaite.students.noctrl.edu/Cait%27sCakeWebsite/index.html
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Car Shopping ... SUCKS!
This post title cannot say my feelings any more clear. CAR SHOPPING SUCKS! I have been looking for a car to buy for at least 7 months now. Website after website, car dealership after car dealership. Honestly, the process felt never ending.
The worst part about dealerships is the salesman. You won't even be out of the car yet and they are standing there outside your door ready to hound you with questions. It is so annoying! Just let me look at the cars without you following me. Then, if I find one I'll come find you. Doesn't that sound like a better plan? I can assure you I will be more likely to buy a car if I am not pissed off by some random and annoying person that is following me. I should be a car salesman - people would love that I would not follow them like a puppy around the lot. They will come find you if they are truly interested. Just saying.
The next part about looking for a car to buy is simply being BROKE! Yep, that is what college will do to a person. Want to find a car for less than 5K with low mileage so it can actually be a safe car to drive? Yeah, good luck. I failed. There is a slim chance of finding a car with low miles and for under 5K .. unless it's a relative or a friend that really likes you. (: Another thing that is SUPER annoying is when websites show a car at a dealership or by private owner and you get all excited. The car is cute, in your price range, and has decent miles. BAM! You call them (or go there) and ... FAIL! The car is gone. You will get the classic answer of "Oh, we sold that." That's when I think to myself, "Oh cool, you don't have to update your website or anything so excited idiots like me don't keep coming here looking for it". It's honestly a game. Ugh, I hate hate hate dealerships. How is it that a car was posted the day before you go and then when you go THE NEXT DAY it is gone? I do not get it. Who decides to actually buy the car that fast??
So after dealing with salesman and irritating dealership websites, I decided to try a private seller. Lets just say I was a lucky one. Thanks Craigslist for allowing me to find my "new" (not actually new) car from a private seller. I got a great deal - I guess God said I looked and dealt with so many salesman that I finally deserved this. (: I (well, Kevin) found a silver 2006 Chevy Aveo (non-hatchback ... just to clarify) with only 24K miles for under 7K! It is practically brand new because it was driven by a elderly woman around town and to church. Yeah baby! Now, I had two emotions happening at the same time. I was obnoxiously happy dancing while thinking to myself "this is too good to be true .. it's just another scam". Little did I know I would actually be buying a car the same day that it was posted and the same day I went to see it (which was last night ha!). I am happy dancing in my head right now ... still so excited!
I actually learned something from all this so you know. Being an A-dult (ha!) is hard and money needs to start growing on trees!! (Someone please come up with a money growing tree .. and fast) Used cars that will last you and are worth your money are among the hardest things to find. Salesmen are annoying as s**t and do nothing but piss me off! Miracles can happen to those who wait (finding this car was one for me). College kids with no credit history like myself have little to no chance of ever having independence and the chance to qualify for a loan on their own. So, this experience was somewhat beneficial I guess. Hey, I got a car out of it didn't I?

The next part about looking for a car to buy is simply being BROKE! Yep, that is what college will do to a person. Want to find a car for less than 5K with low mileage so it can actually be a safe car to drive? Yeah, good luck. I failed. There is a slim chance of finding a car with low miles and for under 5K .. unless it's a relative or a friend that really likes you. (: Another thing that is SUPER annoying is when websites show a car at a dealership or by private owner and you get all excited. The car is cute, in your price range, and has decent miles. BAM! You call them (or go there) and ... FAIL! The car is gone. You will get the classic answer of "Oh, we sold that." That's when I think to myself, "Oh cool, you don't have to update your website or anything so excited idiots like me don't keep coming here looking for it". It's honestly a game. Ugh, I hate hate hate dealerships. How is it that a car was posted the day before you go and then when you go THE NEXT DAY it is gone? I do not get it. Who decides to actually buy the car that fast??
So after dealing with salesman and irritating dealership websites, I decided to try a private seller. Lets just say I was a lucky one. Thanks Craigslist for allowing me to find my "new" (not actually new) car from a private seller. I got a great deal - I guess God said I looked and dealt with so many salesman that I finally deserved this. (: I (well, Kevin) found a silver 2006 Chevy Aveo (non-hatchback ... just to clarify) with only 24K miles for under 7K! It is practically brand new because it was driven by a elderly woman around town and to church. Yeah baby! Now, I had two emotions happening at the same time. I was obnoxiously happy dancing while thinking to myself "this is too good to be true .. it's just another scam". Little did I know I would actually be buying a car the same day that it was posted and the same day I went to see it (which was last night ha!). I am happy dancing in my head right now ... still so excited!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Looking Down On Me.
Do you have an angel in heaven? I do. She's my best friend, Cortney! This blog post is in honor of my Cort and how much I miss her.
Anyone that knows me personally knows I have lost many of my close family members and friends at young ages. Both grandfathers passed away when I was in my early teens and I lost two of my best girl friends. In 2008, I lost one of my very close friends, Bianca to suicide. Everyone that knew Bianca was in shock and very distraught for a long time. No one should ever have to lose a close friend, yet alone a friend that was only a teenager. Cortney, Bianca, and I were very close and when Bianca passed away, Cortney took it very hard. After that, we always had conversations about what she was doing in heaven and what it would be like if we still had her with us. Cortney and I always kept Bianca with us when we hung out. I loved it because it felt as if we all three were together like old times. Cortney was born with Cystic Fibrosis - a disease that causes thick, sticky mucus to build up in the lungs, digestive tract, and other areas of the body. It is one of the most common chronic lung diseases in children and young adults. It is a life-threatening disorder. Throughout my friendship with Cortney, I got used to her coughing and her treatments. What I loved about Cortney was her ability to NEVER let the disease stop her from living her life. Sure, an hour or so had to be taken out for her treatments and meds but it was just another day for Cort and her friends were used to it.
Since the day I met Cortney I knew she was someone special God placed in my life. She taught me so much! I learned to be strong, live life to the fullest, and never regret anything. Seeing her be so strong through everything she was going through was all the power I needed to live just like her. She was an AMAZING friend, sister, daughter, niece, and grand daughter. When Cortney and I would talk about her CF, I would ask her if she was afraid of dying. She always was so open with me and responded that she wasn't scared. She would finally see Bianca again and be in peace. Every time I heard her say that I would tear up. The thought of her not being there to call when I was having a bad day or just to hear her voice or laugh was unbearable. I needed her here, she could not leave yet. She was going to be my maid of honor in my wedding, the godmother of my child, my best friend. I know, it was selfish. How could I wish for her to stay here through all the pain and the constant battle with her body? I couldn't ... it was her turn to live peacefully.
When Cortney passed away, my heart literally broke. I felt lost and like I had just lost a sister. I value the last days we spent together and I still laugh at her jokes from those days. The day she went to heaven, a green butterfly passed in front of me. I knew it was her. There were so many signs that day that she was with all of us us and telling us she was finally okay and at peace. From that day forward, every time I see a butterfly I know it is her. She is with me always.
I am honored to have known such a strong, beautiful, and inspiring person and to be able to call her my best friend. I still wish I could hear her laugh, ask for her advice, or just see her but I know she is pain free and peaceful in heaven with Bianca. Someday I will see my two girls up in heaven. Until then, I will look for their continuing signs that they are with me. I will honor Cortney by naming my daughter after her. I hope my daughter can be half the amazing person that my best friend was.
I love you & miss you so much Cortney Terese!

When Cortney passed away, my heart literally broke. I felt lost and like I had just lost a sister. I value the last days we spent together and I still laugh at her jokes from those days. The day she went to heaven, a green butterfly passed in front of me. I knew it was her. There were so many signs that day that she was with all of us us and telling us she was finally okay and at peace. From that day forward, every time I see a butterfly I know it is her. She is with me always.
I am honored to have known such a strong, beautiful, and inspiring person and to be able to call her my best friend. I still wish I could hear her laugh, ask for her advice, or just see her but I know she is pain free and peaceful in heaven with Bianca. Someday I will see my two girls up in heaven. Until then, I will look for their continuing signs that they are with me. I will honor Cortney by naming my daughter after her. I hope my daughter can be half the amazing person that my best friend was.
I love you & miss you so much Cortney Terese!
Monday, March 5, 2012
Yes, I Would Like to Have a Life!!
To start off, if any professors or teachers are reading - my bad if I offend you.
I swear professors think that the students in their classes are not in any other classes. The amount of homework we receive on a day-to-day basic is ridiculous. Yes, we are in college - I get that. Yes, it is about learning all you can before they kick your ass out of the school in hopefully four years to survive on your own. Honestly, half of the homework I have received so far in my college experience is nothing but a waste of time. Why is it that major, time-consuming projects are assigned with only a week left of the trimester? I DON'T GET IT! No I do not want to read 50 pages of something for next class. You can't sum it up in a page or two for us? That would be helpful and we would probably be more likely to come to class if we weren't up until 3:00 am reading - just saying.
How is my life as a Graphic Design major this trimester? Thanks for asking ... not. IT SUCKS! I am bombarded with time-consuming assignments. Make a website for this, that, and oh yeah, this too. (Note to self, never take three courses that involve making websites all at one - seriously I should have thought about this. Guess it is kind of my fault). Anyways, that is not the point.

Here are some tips for all professors. 1. Please don't assign the most time-consuming assignments toward the end of the term. Our brains are already fried and it will most likely be a whole lot more sh***y than if they were assigned at the beginning of the term. 2. When giving final exams, make it either a written exam or a hands-on lab exam - NOT BOTH. 3. Do not base your class activities off the syllabus. Make it fun and exciting so we actually pay attention and come to class. 4. Do not lecture with the lights off or for the whole class period. If anyone is like me, which they probably are, the dozing will begin or the computer will be brought out. 5. If you want us to pay attention, do not just stand up in front of the class and talk. Give us some notes so that we have something to do other than watch your mouth move.
So as I am sitting here working on all of my final projects due this week, think of ways to enhance your teaching in the classroom. Note to you - majority of your students are in 3 or more classes at the same time they are taking yours. In my case, I am in 5 classes total. CUT BACK ON THE HOMEWORK!! We would like to have a life outside of school if that is not too much to ask.
Sorry to any of you who are offended - I warned you at the beginning.
I swear professors think that the students in their classes are not in any other classes. The amount of homework we receive on a day-to-day basic is ridiculous. Yes, we are in college - I get that. Yes, it is about learning all you can before they kick your ass out of the school in hopefully four years to survive on your own. Honestly, half of the homework I have received so far in my college experience is nothing but a waste of time. Why is it that major, time-consuming projects are assigned with only a week left of the trimester? I DON'T GET IT! No I do not want to read 50 pages of something for next class. You can't sum it up in a page or two for us? That would be helpful and we would probably be more likely to come to class if we weren't up until 3:00 am reading - just saying.
How is my life as a Graphic Design major this trimester? Thanks for asking ... not. IT SUCKS! I am bombarded with time-consuming assignments. Make a website for this, that, and oh yeah, this too. (Note to self, never take three courses that involve making websites all at one - seriously I should have thought about this. Guess it is kind of my fault). Anyways, that is not the point.

Here are some tips for all professors. 1. Please don't assign the most time-consuming assignments toward the end of the term. Our brains are already fried and it will most likely be a whole lot more sh***y than if they were assigned at the beginning of the term. 2. When giving final exams, make it either a written exam or a hands-on lab exam - NOT BOTH. 3. Do not base your class activities off the syllabus. Make it fun and exciting so we actually pay attention and come to class. 4. Do not lecture with the lights off or for the whole class period. If anyone is like me, which they probably are, the dozing will begin or the computer will be brought out. 5. If you want us to pay attention, do not just stand up in front of the class and talk. Give us some notes so that we have something to do other than watch your mouth move.
So as I am sitting here working on all of my final projects due this week, think of ways to enhance your teaching in the classroom. Note to you - majority of your students are in 3 or more classes at the same time they are taking yours. In my case, I am in 5 classes total. CUT BACK ON THE HOMEWORK!! We would like to have a life outside of school if that is not too much to ask.
Sorry to any of you who are offended - I warned you at the beginning.
Friday, March 2, 2012
It Needs to Happen ... NOW!
I have the urge. I can't seem to get rid of it. I want to do it .. but I can't. I NEED TO GO SHOPPING. Even if its for something small. Once I get this feeling it is very hard to be focus on anything else.
Shopping at the mall or a store is addicting enough. When you add online shopping to the mix, it all go down hill from there. Online shopping is yet another addiction many woman have. It makes shopping so easy. No more hustle and bustle through the mall, no more waiting in lines, and no more dealing with ignorant sales associates. It is a beautiful thing. I love not having to walk around the store looking at items on one table then the next. I can simply search by category. Don't want to look at tops today? Perfect, go straight to shoes. Don't want to carry all the things you're going to buy? Click, add it to your cart. Personally, I love online shopping way more than going to any store.
There are always negatives to online shopping such as not being able to try on clothes or additional shipping costs. However, you can almost always send something back if it doesn't fit or search for deals on certain days which include "Free Shipping". It is a much more convenient way to shop. You can visit multiple stores at once by having different browser windows open.
I have my own way of online shopping. It feels like being in 3 or 4 stores at once, its amazing. If I find a top at American Eagle but I can't find bottoms to go with it - CLICK - onto the Free People website to find some pants. If I can't find a pair of shoes to go with my outfit - CLICK - onto DSW's website. Add some jewelry and a new bag and I now have a complete new outfit bought from multiple stores in the matter of an hour or so. Who would want to shop online? It is quick, easy, and stress free. Well, sometimes (I can become very stressed if I cannot decide on what items to buy). I wish I could go on a no-budget shopping spree - in fact it's on my bucket list.
So, who wants to join me for some online shopping? Anyone? Just kidding, I enjoy being alone when I am making important wardrobe selections. I have to get in the zone! Sure, I like advice from others but I often second guess myself in the decision process and then don't buy it. I hate that. I am always willing to go to the store for some clothes or shoes. However, my first love for shopping is definitely online.
Shopping at the mall or a store is addicting enough. When you add online shopping to the mix, it all go down hill from there. Online shopping is yet another addiction many woman have. It makes shopping so easy. No more hustle and bustle through the mall, no more waiting in lines, and no more dealing with ignorant sales associates. It is a beautiful thing. I love not having to walk around the store looking at items on one table then the next. I can simply search by category. Don't want to look at tops today? Perfect, go straight to shoes. Don't want to carry all the things you're going to buy? Click, add it to your cart. Personally, I love online shopping way more than going to any store.

I have my own way of online shopping. It feels like being in 3 or 4 stores at once, its amazing. If I find a top at American Eagle but I can't find bottoms to go with it - CLICK - onto the Free People website to find some pants. If I can't find a pair of shoes to go with my outfit - CLICK - onto DSW's website. Add some jewelry and a new bag and I now have a complete new outfit bought from multiple stores in the matter of an hour or so. Who would want to shop online? It is quick, easy, and stress free. Well, sometimes (I can become very stressed if I cannot decide on what items to buy). I wish I could go on a no-budget shopping spree - in fact it's on my bucket list.
So, who wants to join me for some online shopping? Anyone? Just kidding, I enjoy being alone when I am making important wardrobe selections. I have to get in the zone! Sure, I like advice from others but I often second guess myself in the decision process and then don't buy it. I hate that. I am always willing to go to the store for some clothes or shoes. However, my first love for shopping is definitely online.
Monday, February 27, 2012
My Life - As Seen On Facebook
Why is it that people post everything they are doing at every second of the day on Facebook? Do I care if you're about to take a shower? No. Do I care that you can't choose what outfit to wear so you post pictures of each asking "Which outfit"?. No. Do I care if you're going to bed? NO! Frankly, I do not care about what you're doing at any given point in time. If I did, I would text you. Simple as that. People who posts their lives on Facebook need a reality check. I wish someone would comment stating that we don't need to know every aspect of what you are doing. It is beyond annoying.
I am the type of person who only will post statuses once in a while if I am extremely bored. I only post them if I want people's feedback who feel the same thing such as when I post a status saying I miss my best friend that passed away, if I am going out with a group of people (this happens on occasions), or how much I want school to be over. I do not post "Going in the shower! Text me!". There is no reason to post such things! Also, I post pictures. Of course I will have albums with pictures of fun times with my friends. That's what I like about Facebook - uploading pictures for others to see. That is completely okay with me because it is not revealing my everyday routines. I think people need to start limiting what they post of Facebook for others to see. I honestly hate going on Facebook because I am bombarded with pointless and annoying statuses by other people. Facebook is the reason I like Pinterest so much. No annoying statuses or video posts. Just pictures. Yes, people can post annoying pictures but its a lot better than annoying videos or status updates.
There is not much more to say on this issue. I think this will be my shortest blog yet - hopefully it gets the point across to people. Some people may not like this post and what I have to say. If not, then don't read it. I only state my opinions on aspects of life and they are not meant to offend anyone. I think the world of communication should not become technologically dependent through Facebook or Twitter. Again, no one cares if someone is about to take a shower or if someone just went to the bathroom. Sorry, but no one cares. Live your life - don't advertise it on Facebook.
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