(At a restaurant)
Waitress: You all finished with your meal? Would you like to take a look at the dessert menu?
Me: (blank staring at her thinking to myself) Would you like a punch square in the nose for even mentioning dessert?
Actually Me: No, that's okay (still pissed) we will just take the check.
Just to clarify, I am not some person who eats baked goods all the time. Yes, my mom bakes a lot (okay, all the time) but I do not have to eat it all the time. I have self-control. It is just nice to have a little taste of something sweet after your meal. Even if it is just one or two bites. Here are the reasons and most difficult things about me giving up baked goods.
1. My sister is a cake baker. Yep, rough.
2. Kevin's (my boyfriend) mom gets the BEST banana cake from her friend on random occasions. Yep, even more rough.
3. My mom always has baked goods in the kitchen. Yep, that is pretty rough.
There are positives about giving up baked goods ... I guess. I lost 8 pounds since the beginning of Lent! Yippie! Screw you baked goods - you have made me fat! Another thing that this specific Lent season (ha) has taught me is a little more self-control. Sure, I do not need a dessert after every meal .. it would be nice but it doesn't need to happen. Just so you know, it didn't always happen before. (I am exaggerating a little bit). So, for those who actually commit to Lent - good job! I never really had before but now I know it is super hard! The end of the 40 days are coming soon .. hang in there!
p.s. that cake right there, that was made by my sister.
Visit her website http://amwaite.students.noctrl.edu/Cait%27sCakeWebsite/index.html
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