My New Media professor took a survey on how many people in our class use at least one social media website (Facebook, Twitter, Blogger, etc). Every person raised their hand. Ridiculous. Sickening. Not surprising. Social networking is what our generation grew up on. We were using computers in elementary school (well, I was at least). It makes me wonder what our lives would be like if there were no computers, tablets, iPods, cell phones. It would SUCK if you asked me. I rely on my phone for emails for work and school, entertainment, and most importantly communication. Not having technology would be asinine. However, why do we need to use it as much as we do? Again, no one knows.

The bottom line is, yes our generation is addicted to technology. Yes, I am addicted to Pinterest (and many many other things). Yes, it is becoming so obsessive that we cannot put our devices down for ten minutes. Yes, I got a little off topic of this post's intentions. However, what do people expect from us? We were given technology at such a young age. Just like swearing, it was inevitable that technology was going to become a major part of our lives. It is that very reason (and Kelsie) that I am now a Pinterest addict. It is the newest (again, to me) social network that people are joining. It's like drugs, once you start it will be hard to stop. You will just want to pin, pin, pin.