Thursday, January 26, 2012

"Did you see the thing I just pinned?"

So, I was told that my blog posts are not exactly on track with the "suggested" topics. Don't worry though, this post will still be in Ally fashion. Regardless if it has a new media twist to it.

It is true, I am officially an addict of yet another thing (I have a lot of addictions ... thanks Blogger for helping me realize them). I have an addiction to the one-and-only... Pinterest. The wonderful, idea giving, idea sharing, humorous, and very addictive new social site (well, new to me). For those of you who do not know what Pinterest is, it is a site that you have to be invited to join. (I know, it sounds fancy but I am pretty sure everyone gets in). Let's not ruin my joy of feeling important. Anyways, Pinterest is an addictive waste of time. Sure, it gives me great ideas for cute outfits, shoes, my future house, future wedding, and of course laughs but it is a HUGE waste of time and distraction. I find myself sitting on it for hours just searching for the next best pin. Why is my generation so freaking obsessed with social media and social websites? Why do we find it "fun" to sit online for hours and hours searching for stupid things? Don't ask me, I sure as hell can't tell you. 

My New Media professor took a survey on how many people in our class use at least one social media website (Facebook, Twitter, Blogger, etc). Every person raised their hand. Ridiculous. Sickening. Not surprising. Social networking is what our generation grew up on. We were using computers in elementary school (well, I was at least). It makes me wonder what our lives would be like if there were no computers, tablets, iPods, cell phones. It would SUCK if you asked me. I rely on my phone for emails for work and school, entertainment, and most importantly communication. Not having technology would be asinine. However, why do we need to use it as much as we do? Again, no one knows. 

Back to Pinterest. Please do not ask me why I find it fun to sit, pin, and re-pin pictures. I DON'T KNOW! (It is all my friend Kelsie's fault to be accurate ha). I told her not to get me started because I knew I would be hooked. What happened? BAM! Pinning until I can pin no more. (Technically, that can never happen. There are millions of pins to be found). It is very interesting to see what the people you follow are interested. Why do we care? It is like status updates in picture form. It's awesome. The pictures in this post are hilarious pins I found. I am now also obsessed with e-cards but who is counting.

The bottom line is, yes our generation is addicted to technology. Yes, I am addicted to Pinterest (and many many other things). Yes, it is becoming so obsessive that we cannot put our devices down for ten minutes. Yes, I got a little off topic of this post's intentions. However, what do people expect from us? We were given technology at such a young age. Just like swearing, it was inevitable that technology was going to become a major part of our lives. It is that very reason (and Kelsie) that I am now a Pinterest addict. It is the newest (again, to me) social network that people are joining. It's like drugs, once you start it will be hard to stop. You will just want to pin, pin, pin. 

Monday, January 23, 2012

Yes, I'm a shoe wh**e!

If you really know me, you know that I have an insane addiction to shoes. Yes, shoes. Not drugs, not alcohol (well ... nah I'm not). SHOES! I cannot even count how many countless hours I spend on the internet searching for a new pair (or pairs) of shoes. My latest obsession is boots. Fringe boots. I WANT THEM SO BAD! On every Holiday or special occasion that gifts are in order I ask for at least one pair of shoes. My boyfriend, Kevin, doesn't even have to ask what I would like for my birthday or Christmas. It's always "well I found this pair of shoes you can buy". It's very simple! To be honest, my addiction is the buying process and wearing them for the first time with a really cute outfit. After the initial wear, it's on to the search for the next pair. Sure, I wear all my shoes again but it is not nearly as exciting as the initial wear. 

In fact, today just moments ago, I was searching for a pair of fringe boots. I found some! (Yes, I know it is very exciting) However, I am torn on whether or not to buy them. They are suede ... so that means I will have to spray them with protector before I can wear them out. It will be at least 2 days before I can wear them. This always stops me because I want to wear them as soon as I get them. (I know it's a stupid reason not to buy a pair of shoes). I am obsessed with anything sparkle, boots boots boots, cute sneakers, and of course in the summer super cute sandals. My closet cannot fit all my shoes. So, I move my clothes out so I can fit my shoes. (: I always am looking for the next best pair of cute shoes I can own. Too bad my bank account cannot fully support my shoe addiction. I will make sure it does in the future, there is no doubt about that.

When I am extremely bored, I picture what my shoe closet will look like when I own a house. (The one in the picture would be perfect .. not the colors though). It will be a main priority in the search or the planning of the house. Each pair of shoes will be displayed beautifully on the shelf. My shelves will most likely be color organized (ha!). I will have a chair or ottoman in the middle of my closet so I can sit and decide what shoe will go best with the outfit I choose. Actually, I usually pick what shoes I will wear then base the outfit off of that. Isn't it supposed to be opposite? Oh well! That's not how I roll. If they had a shoe addicts anonymous ... I would have to attend. Is anyone else like this? If so, I think we would be great friends. We would have marvelous shoe conversations! Oh yes, perfect! 

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Blog Prompt #2 - G.A (Google Anonymous)

How many people actually use Google during the day? Why? For how long? Is everyone that uses Google addicted? Will we ever know the true answers to these questions? Uhm .. probably not.

Yes, I will admit it - I am ADDICTED to Google. Just to name a few, I use Google Chrome, YouTubeGoogle Search Engine, Blogger, and Google Maps. When I need to find out the definition of a word .. what do I do? Google it of course. When I missed an episode of a TV show ... what do I do? YouTube it. I find that to be the two most common answers when I am unsure of something or when someone asks me and I do not know the answer. Google solves all. Simply type in the word or whatever it is you're looking for and ... BAM! There you have hundreds-of-thousands of results right in front of your eyes. It is glorious!

On top of using Google Search Engine, I use Google Chrome for my main internet. In my opinion, it is the fastest internet browser around. Most likely because it is Google made and owned. I also like Google because it is totally customizable. When my browser opens to the main page - which is Google Search Engine - it is totally customizable with a picture of Lady Gaga (my favorite). When it comes to Google's privacy policies I am torn on whether or not they have an accurate privacy system. When I put in my personal information on Chrome, it saves it after the first time. All I have to do is type "A" and all my information appears in the boxes. If I ever get my computer stolen .. I'm screwed. There goes all my information including address, phone number, and credit card number. Fortunately ... I am smart (: I clear all history after I make each purchase online. So no information would be found if someone stole my computer. Sorry suckers!

Do I think Google is taking over the internet? No. I think they have made very smart decisions when buying the companies they did such as YouTube and Blogger. Millions of people use these websites multiple times a day. Personally, I love Google! Without it, I would be stuck waiting for the rainbow wheel to load on Safari or Mozilla Firefox. I HATE the rainbow wheel! Thanks to Google - the rainbow wheel never appears on my screen.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

I can't F****** do it!

If any of you are like me, swear words are a big part of your everyday vocabulary. It's a habit that takes so much effort to break. They can slip in as a describing word, a name to call someone, or just by itself - they can be used EVERYWHERE! 

Who to blame? Well, there is no one to blame for your talking habits better than society around you. Our generation is known for the infamous words that come out of our mouths. Hell, (does that count?) we even have abbreviations for swear words - two that are most common are WTF and STFU. When instant messaging was still big, those two abbreviations were thrown around like it was no big deal. That's just it - who is it considered a big deal to?

Us teens and young adults had to learn the swearing from somewhere right? When I was younger, about two or three, I could not pronounce my "T"s ... let's just say my parents took full advantage to use me as their humor provider. "Ally, say fire truck." (my response not knowing any better - who does this to their kid? ha. Alright, I probably would too) "Fire F***". That's when it started - my love for the F-word. Why do you think it's so hard for me to break my swearing habit? There's your reason, I have been saying it since before I knew what it meant. Horrible. In my opinion, it is a very useful word (the f-word that is). You can describe pretty much ANYTHING with it no matter what mood you are in. For example, you could say "That was F****** awesome!" when you loved something you did. When you are told to do something you don't want to you can say"F*** that!" So many possibilities - what is there to hate? 

That brings me to my next point. Older people have a tendency to "flip the bird" to others when they are upset. Last time I checked, doesn't that mean f-you? Thought so. Personally, it is much more fun to voice the word than to give them a gesture (If you know me, you know I am a very vocal person). Our generation LOVES to voice our opinions and how we feel. I bet you could find multiple status posts with a variety of "swear" words in them. It just takes the mood of what you're saying to a whole new level. By letting out one simple swear word like f*** or s*** it can release so much stress you may have. See what I mean? Brings your mood to a whole new level. Relaxation can finally be achieved simple by swearing. Does this mean I am going to become overly stressed when I stop swearing? S**T!!

Like, I said before - the kid in the picture learned to do that from somewhere didn't he? (:

(does it count as swearing if it doesn't come out of your mouth?)

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Blog Prompt #1 - Blogging about the blogger

Megan Reardon - Not Martha.

There were aspects of this interview, such as her reasons and responses, that I agreed with and others that I just thought were kind of strange. 

First off, I agree with Megan when she said blogs are "like being allowed to read someone's diary". This is so true! Often blogs consist of the blogger's personal interest, life events, or opinions about certain things. I like how Megan decided to keep her blog about crafts and inspiration or ideas behind them. Reading blogs that are personal allow better opportunity to relate. For example, when females my age post about fashion or events that I can relate to I am more interested in continually following. When blogging, I feel that posting about things that appeal to you give your followers the opportunity to get to know you. However, I feel that Megan feels that this does not apply to her blog. 

Pictures, Pictures, Pictures! Obviously, I like how Megan uses pictures in her posts. In my opinion, it makes the blog more visually appealing. Just like with other social media such as Facebook, twitter, and Pinterest viewers enjoy visual aspects. In my own blog, I feel that pictures help the reader understand the purpose of my post. Also, It helps with the outcome you hope they get after reading the post. 

There was one response that Megan said that I definitely did not agree with. It was toward the end of the interview when she was asked "Would you read your site?". Megan's response was not what I expected. She acknowledged her blog as being outdated and impersonal, which in my opinion, would not be a blog that was interesting to follow. I feel that if you want people to return to your blog, you have to maintain it. Even if that means vamping the graphics and design of the overall blog. Content can remain the same but updates to the blog should be made. If it is not personal - make it personal! I understand that a lot of people follow Megan's blog and enjoy the content of it but she needs to give them new and exciting updates even if it's a simple background or font change. It will keep them coming back to the blog for other reasons then just the content.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Is there a such thing?

Finding the "perfect" outfit to go out can be a difficult one. For me, and probably for most females, this means ripping through your closet and dresser trying on multiple pieces of clothing for a matter of at least an hour. Questioning whether this top goes with those jeans or this outfit go with these shoes. If you ask me, it is quite a process. I often put on the first potential outfit, look in the mirror, turn to see it at different angles, then ... take it off and put together another. This process can be repeated anywhere from three to seven plus times. IT'S RIDICULOUS!! (and time consuming). 

The choices of what to wear are endless. Do I go ... Fancy - a chic dress? Simple - Jeans and a cute t-shirt? Party attire - sequins and leggings? The categories can go on and on (depending on the personality of the wardrobe). When picking the "perfect" outfit, you have to consider the location and the occasion. Bar? College party? Birthday? Casual Night (dinner, movies, etc)? Friend's house? Each event and location could require a specific attire. UGH!

Now, back to the part about trying on pretty much every piece of clothing you own ... After putting on and taking off more than seven different outfits, why is it that I always seem to resort back to the VERY FIRST outfit I put together? It may not even be my favorite of them all but I still pick it. Why? Am I the only person who does this? It would be so much easier if my mind could make the decision to wear it prior to taking off and putting on multiple more options. Once the outfit is finally decided on, the floor is usually not visible - covered with every piece of clothing that exists in my room. That's the part where you look at it and say, "eh .. I'll clean it up later". If you are like me, after the final outfit selection is made you must find the "perfect" bag to go with it. However, that is another blog topic to talk about on a different day.

The "perfect" outfit - is there a such thing??

Friday, January 6, 2012

Oh yeah, it happened.

It's official .. I am a blogger. Who knew this would ever happen? Not me.