The choices of what to wear are endless. Do I go ... Fancy - a chic dress? Simple - Jeans and a cute t-shirt? Party attire - sequins and leggings? The categories can go on and on (depending on the personality of the wardrobe). When picking the "perfect" outfit, you have to consider the location and the occasion. Bar? College party? Birthday? Casual Night (dinner, movies, etc)? Friend's house? Each event and location could require a specific attire. UGH!
Now, back to the part about trying on pretty much every piece of clothing you own ... After putting on and taking off more than seven different outfits, why is it that I always seem to resort back to the VERY FIRST outfit I put together? It may not even be my favorite of them all but I still pick it. Why? Am I the only person who does this? It would be so much easier if my mind could make the decision to wear it prior to taking off and putting on multiple more options. Once the outfit is finally decided on, the floor is usually not visible - covered with every piece of clothing that exists in my room. That's the part where you look at it and say, "eh .. I'll clean it up later". If you are like me, after the final outfit selection is made you must find the "perfect" bag to go with it. However, that is another blog topic to talk about on a different day.
The "perfect" outfit - is there a such thing??
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