What - Yes, there are young children making profiles on Facebook.
Why - They think it is cool and everyone has one. Don't they so why shouldn't they?
How - They lie about their age when registering for a Facebook account.
There they are answered. Millions of young kids have lied about their age to create Facebook profiles. The number of young teens and children on Facebook has escalated. My brother, 12 years old, has had a Facebook for about a year and a half now. It is so STUPID! We were not allowed to have a Myspace (yes, I had a Myspace) until we were at least 15 years old. Now he has a Facebook at 12? Ridiculous. Why do 10 and 12 year olds need a Facebook profile? What could they possibly have to post about? For me, I post mainly pictures of when I go out with friends, etc. What fifth grader goes out with friends and takes pictures? I never did - in fifth grade I am pretty damn sure I was still watching disney movies. Not going to lie, I am almost twenty years old and I am still watching disney movies. Don't judge me.

Bottom line, why are parents allowing their 10 to 12 year old kids to make profiles in which it is technically illegal - you have to be 13 or older to make a Facebook - and where perverts can check out and become friends with them? I will never know, I am not a parent. Age limits are set on things for a reason. In my opinion, young kids do not have the maturity level for Facebook. Hell, half of the people on Facebook do not have the "normal" maturity level. Let's be real here. Facebook should have some sort of system that verifies the actual age of an individual when they register for a profile. This past weekend, I was "friended" by my brother's best friend on Facebook. I contemplated on whether or not I should accept his request. Why would he want to be friends with me on Facebook? Would he be yet another person I have to block from pictures and "mature" (ha!) statuses? My brother for instance, is blocked from any statuses or pictures that are college related or have things he doesn't need to know about. Facebook is a world that no person with the maturity level of a junior high student should be part of. Facebook is a place where everyone - no matter the age - is a part of. It is becoming stupid. I don't care about what my brothers friends are doing, where they are, and what pictures they have taken. Let me be honest, I don't care about what anyone is doing on Facebook. I think most of people's post are annoying and I bet people feel the same about me.
I know your aptitude on this. I should say we ought to have an online discourse on this. Composing just remarks will close the talk straight away! What's more, will confine the advantages from this data. Mutant Ape Yatcht Club