Do you have a filter on your computer? Do you think they are necessary and effective? Who should be responsible for filtering information on the internet? The government or the parents of young kids going on the internet? Well, what's your answer?
Okay, I will give you my opinions. I think filters are a great thing to put on young kids computers at school and at home. I wouldn't want my kid searching inappropriate things when I wasn't near them. The technological world is becoming more advanced and the young generations are too. I know when I was in elementary school and junior high no one was searching for porn or nasty things on Google. Now-a-days, kids are searching the internet for anything inappropriate they hear from other kids at school that is considered "cool". It's gross. We never really had internet filters in my house until they became popular - by that time my two sisters and I were at the junior high/high school level. However, my little brother was just starting elementary school. So, my dad - being the computer goo roo he is - put on a filter for the Internet on the computer. It sucked! Goodbye MySpace and goodbye any website that had an "inappropriate" word on it that the filter caught. Yes, I think filters are effective when it comes to keeping young kids "innocent". Yes, I think parents should be responsible for these precautions. Yes, I think the government should be responsible for filtering and protecting some aspects of the internet too. Should there be regulations of what content should be posted on the internet? In my opinion, no. The internet allows freedom of speech and I guess many other known freedoms people think they have. Yes, I think it is DISGUSTING that a person would want to put naked pictures online or videos of them doing the nasty. But, it's their freedom to do so. Or is it?
That is exactly what filters on the computer should be put in place for. I will tell you a story of when a filter on my computer would of been greatly appreciated. I was looking for gym shoes online - so what site did I want to go to? A sporting goods store - duh. So, I searched Sports Authority and they didn't have what I wanted. I then searched Road Runners Sports and they didn't have what I wanted. Next place was Dick's Sporting Goods (when I say I am running to this particular store I usually say "Hey {person's name} I am running to Dick's to look at some shoes"). So, not thinking I typed in www.dicks.com. Oh yes, it was quite a surprise. There were d**** everywhere! That's when I instantly went BACK ARROW! BACK ARROW! WHY ARN'T YOU WORKING BACK ARROW!?!" Finally the page was gone. Where was the filter when I needed it? Imagine if a young kid did that same exact thing. I mean I am twenty years old and I was horrified!
That is why filters should be a must for young kids on the computer.
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