Taken Too Far
For those of you who do not know, I am a four-time walker in the Susan G. Komen 3-Day for the Cure breast cancer walk. This past week, the SGK Foundation took a beating from people across the country for financial decisions they have made in regards to their grants. After listening to the news, reading articles about the situation, and talking to my fellow teammates, - I decided to visit the SGK and Nancy G. Brinker's Facebook pages. It was those two places where I could not believe was I was reading. It was there that I saw how careless and rude people can truly be despite the fact they are stating their opinions.
I have ABSOLUTELY no problem with other people's opinions and comments toward situations. However, when people take their opinions too far and begin to be slander and rude - I have a HUGE problem. Let's just say the posting of comments on the SGK and Nancy G. Brinker's (founder of the Susan G. Komen foundation) walls were never ending. It was when I began reading the comments to pages that I truly felt I needed to step in and voice my opinion on the situation. It was amazing the rude things people thought they could say online. Just because you are hidden behind a computer screen does not give you the right to bash people and the hard work they have done. I bet that half of the people commenting hurtful things to these pages have never walked the 60 miles or have had breast cancer effect them or a family member.
Breast cancer has effected me personally. My Aunt Katrina is a three-time breast cancer survivor. Without the Susan G. Komen foundation, I don't know if I would still have my aunt with me today. The SGK foundation is the base layer of breast cancer research and mammogram funding. The people slamming the foundation and Nancy Brinker personally pissed me off BIG time. Some would post comments saying "Susan is probably rolling over in her grave right now" or "What would Susan say?". The thing that irritates the s**t out of me is that not one of these people probably knew Susan G. Komen. Not one of these people probably know Nancy Brinker personally. Nancy is also a cancer survivor - she watched her sister die from breast cancer. She herself battled and fought hard for her life. She PROMISED her sister she would do whatever she could to save men and women from losing their lives to breast cancer. She kept that promise. The SGK foundation has saved thousands.
Harmful names and rude comments do not make anyone look good. In my opinion, they make someone look pathetic and uneducated.Facebook is one way for individuals to hide behind their computer screens and say whatever they want without physical backlash from people who disagree with them. Sure, anyone can comment back to them - this is indeed what happened - but the people saying these rude things are not confronted face-to-face. I think if these individuals were to come out from behind their computer screens they would not say half of the hurtful things in person to someone. I was/am appalled at the comments people have the nerve to post. Attacking someone personally and slamming all the wonderful things their foundation has done from men and women is horrible.
Any person who has been affected by breast cancer should know that the SGK foundation is MUCH MORE than the politics people are forcing upon them. It is about saving men and women from this horrible disease. It is about making sure no child, sister, husband, mother, father, or friend has to lose their loved one to breast cancer. It is about finding a cure. It is about ending breast cancer once and for all. Participants of the SGK walks or runs should know this. If not, I think doing these events was nothing more than an attention-seeking ego booster. Sorry, that's my opinion of it. Slam me for it if you please - I will not back down with my support for Susan G. Komen and all they have done for saving my aunt. I know what Susan G. Komen for the Cure is about. Do you?
Fascinating post Ally. It is amazing how rude, crass and politically polarizing comments on websites and blogs can be. And what is happening with SGK is a case in point. We'll actually be talking about civility and incivility on the web when we discuss Sunstein's article. I hope you'll bring up the points you make in this post when we do...