Sunday, January 8, 2012

Blog Prompt #1 - Blogging about the blogger

Megan Reardon - Not Martha.

There were aspects of this interview, such as her reasons and responses, that I agreed with and others that I just thought were kind of strange. 

First off, I agree with Megan when she said blogs are "like being allowed to read someone's diary". This is so true! Often blogs consist of the blogger's personal interest, life events, or opinions about certain things. I like how Megan decided to keep her blog about crafts and inspiration or ideas behind them. Reading blogs that are personal allow better opportunity to relate. For example, when females my age post about fashion or events that I can relate to I am more interested in continually following. When blogging, I feel that posting about things that appeal to you give your followers the opportunity to get to know you. However, I feel that Megan feels that this does not apply to her blog. 

Pictures, Pictures, Pictures! Obviously, I like how Megan uses pictures in her posts. In my opinion, it makes the blog more visually appealing. Just like with other social media such as Facebook, twitter, and Pinterest viewers enjoy visual aspects. In my own blog, I feel that pictures help the reader understand the purpose of my post. Also, It helps with the outcome you hope they get after reading the post. 

There was one response that Megan said that I definitely did not agree with. It was toward the end of the interview when she was asked "Would you read your site?". Megan's response was not what I expected. She acknowledged her blog as being outdated and impersonal, which in my opinion, would not be a blog that was interesting to follow. I feel that if you want people to return to your blog, you have to maintain it. Even if that means vamping the graphics and design of the overall blog. Content can remain the same but updates to the blog should be made. If it is not personal - make it personal! I understand that a lot of people follow Megan's blog and enjoy the content of it but she needs to give them new and exciting updates even if it's a simple background or font change. It will keep them coming back to the blog for other reasons then just the content.


  1. Good post Ally. I also wonder what the point of a blog is if you AREN'T going to make it personal. But a quick question: Can you explain to me the concept of "vamping" a design or graphics? Is it the same thing as "spicing it up" or "energizing it" or something? Apologies in advance for my middle-aged incomprehension.

  2. By "vamping" a design or graphic I mean to keep the blog updated with the backgrounds and graphics on the actual blog. For example, my background will most likely change throughout the time of the course. By updating the blog it keeps people interested because it means the posts are current and you actually take time to make the blog visually appealing.

    Hope that clears it up!
